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07/03/11 10:44 PM #1    


Vicki Mullen

I waited until after our 40th reunion to respond to some of the comments made by other classmates in this area. While I was raised in Kearney, I went to Zion Lutheran School through 8th grade, and only had seven other classmates when we went on to Jr. High. I can't tell you how petrified I was the first day to find over 300 others in my class. My first class that day was Algebra I with Mr. Gallant so I picked a desk and sat down. Before everyone had settled in the girl in front of me turned around and introduced herself as Tracy Sisler. Maybe I just got lucky it was her, but we are good friends to this day. Over the next few days she introduced me to a number of other people and help me gain the confidence to reach out and introduce myself to other people in my classes.

Over the next 4 years I was very fortunate to become friends with the "popular kids" and the not so popular kids. I joined Boosters and still have fond memories of traveling to out of town games, I got a job at the Drive-In and World Theaters and met a bunch of new people, in other words, I made an effort to get to meet and know my classmates. I still think of myself as a very lucky person to call these people my closest friends.

I have always taken great pride in being a part of the Class of 1971 mainly because I met very few members of this class that ever made me feel that they thought they were better than me. Certainly not as many as I saw in the classes ahead of us. I looked forward to this Reunion as I have every reunion as a chance to catch up with the people I shared much of my teen years with. As usual, I was rewarded with two days of sharing old memories and making new ones. I shared in the joy of pictures of children and grandchildren and found solace in being able to share the grief of the recent loss of a parent with so many others in the same position.

If I haven't done a very good job of getting my point across, let me put it this way: life is what you make of it. If you want to continue to carry around hard feelings for 40 years than you probably shouldn't attend the Reunions because it is still the same as it was then YOU are the person who controls how other people react to you. For me, I have to go to bed because I'm not as young as I once was and two days of fun and laughter just plain tired me out.


07/04/11 04:14 PM #2    


Andy Snodgrass

     Andy Snodgrass

I was not well know in highschool, Iwas alway in the back ground, take care small person alway being pick on. But this weekend i felt that i was part of the class of 71, You know it made feel very good, To be there and say something to all the class mates and still know most of all of there names, and with the web site, I know where to get a hold of most all that came and that up dated there there names on the web site, Thanks Tobie for flowers to remenber the ones we have lost !! Thanks to all that had something to do with 40th reunion, it was alot of fun, will be in my menory bank a long time to come.


                                                         Love you all



 p.s.   live for ever the class of 71!!!!!! 

07/05/11 07:56 PM #3    


Kathy Olmsted (Habben)

To the members of the class of 1971 who organized the 40-year reunion -- THANKS SO MUCH!  I was only able to attend Friday, but it was a wonderful evening.  I really enjoyed seeing old friends and having the opportunity to laugh a little, cry a little and just catch up.  We are so fortunate to have such great people in the KHS Class of 1971.  As Andy said in his post ... special thanks to Tobie for the memory table.  I'm sure that preparing for the reunion was time-consuming and alot of work ... just want you to know how much your efforts are appreciated.

P.S.  This website is AWESOME!


07/06/11 12:20 PM #4    


Pam Kunkel (Ryan)

I couldn't agree more with Vicki, Andy and Kathy. Please let me add my thanks to everyone who attended and to those who made this website and the reunion possible.  The whole experience was one that I am grateful for and will remember as long as my feeble memory allows me to. :-)

I hope that we will all continue to (or begin to) keep in touch with one another.

Again, thanks to those who worked so hard to make last weekend such a huge success.

07/06/11 06:24 PM #5    


Connie Benson (Love)

I agree with all of you.  I had a great time and as you said we control how we react and how much we enjoy something like this we can not expect others to make us feel good and have a good time!

07/07/11 07:01 PM #6    


Charles (Chuck) Mahrt

I had a great time at the reunion.  Thanks to all who worked on the arrangements and this web site.  My family moved from Kearney in the summer of 1973 and I have lived areas distant from Nebraska so it was a great time to reconnect with many of you and see how much Kearney has changed.


07/08/11 01:06 AM #7    


Charlene Duffy (Hartwell)

I too had a great time!  I have said thanks to each of you on the committee, previously, for all of your hard work and I am saying it again.  I am also sorry those of you that live in the area get "stuck" with all of the work. Please let us know what we can do so that not everything falls on your shoulders.

Is there going to be a 45th or are we waiting until 50th to have another reunion? 

07/08/11 09:00 AM #8    


Monty Mc Collough

I have attended each of our class reunions, and I think that this 40th is the one I have enjoyed the most. I was new to Kearney our Sophomore year and didn't know anyone yet when school started. I gained several 'acquaintances' over the next three years as I met classmates who were in a class or a drama production or some activity, but I really didn't feel I had many 'friends' who I knew very well when we graduated. At this reunion I was able to talk with many classmates - more than just a "hello"; we actually had a conversation! - and as I reflect on the weekend, I think I feel like I actually have many friends now in our class and I'm REALLY looking forward to the next reunion. Can we do it in 2016 for the 45th??? Everyone contact all classmates who are on your email contact list, or friends on facebook, or you know their phone number and encourage them to go to this website and update their profile. Let's see if we can get everyone on the website before our next reunion !!

07/10/11 10:26 AM #9    


Vicki Mullen

Andy this one is for you. I noticed the effort you were making to talk to people when they came in and how you "worked the room" making contact with everyone. I also had many people comment that they noticed Andy talking with everyone and how it looked like he was having such a good time. As one of the organizers of this reunion Andy it makes me feel so good to see people doing what you did and more importantly how apparent it was that you were having such a good time.

Let's all make the effort to get people on this website and work to get as many classmates signed up as we can. I have the feeling that some classmates might be surprised how much fun it can be to make contact with other classmates. Thanks again Andy, you're the best!

07/13/11 01:29 AM #10    


Jane Carlson (DeCecco)

Hello! Sure sounds like the reunion was a lot of fun. I had been lookingforward to seing everyone but had a family emergency. Lisa, after reading your message, I agree with you. Our high school years were different for everyone. I'm sure we all had both good and bad experiences.That's normal. We were teenagers!! But we're adults now and should be able to share our feelings with each other without a "principal" telling us what to say, how to feel and how to act. We don't need approval from anyone! Those days are over!!!!























































07/15/11 08:52 PM #11    


Tobie Speak (Johnson)

Our 40th Reunion, Wow! How the time passes by.  I would like to thank those who made it easy for me to be there at this reunion, without John.  I have to say, I wasn't really sure if I was going to attend, but I'm glad I did and I had a really good time.  It was good to see many of those that I hadn't seen in a very long time.  Talking about all our good times and the many fun and "stupid" things that we use to do.  That was a big part of our lives and we should remember and cherish those times.  I attended Park Elementary and many of us that were friends then, have continued  to be friends for all these years, and have met so many other friends along the way.

This past year has been a difficult one for many of us, losing loved ones, but for me, if I hadn't had my close friends, I know I wouldn't have made it though the rough moments.  Thank you all for helping me enjoy this reunion and remembering my past.  Life does continue on, so I'm living my life and moving forward and experiencing new adventures every day!

I have enjoyed working and helping with the reunion.  I want to especially thank Lynette and Vicki for all the great get togethers planning-even though we didn't always get much accomplished, but we had a great time.  I look forward to seeing all of you at our 45th reunion and hope those that weren't able to attend this reunion, will see you in 2016!   Class of '71 is the best!!! 


07/17/11 09:35 AM #12    


Terry Olson

Had a great time at this reunion with one huge surprise. Seeing Larry thundburg was totally unexpected. We were friends through early high school with me finally losing contact after he moved to Colorado. Over the years I have tried some Internet searches to see what happened to him - without success. He was the first person I ran into coming into the garage Friday night. I am still somewhat introverted, as I was in high school, but appreciated everyone I ran in to and had time to talk with. It was truly a time to connect up with my closest friends, scott, Harry and marc that I see very infrequently. It was an enjoyable time and I really value my growing up in Kearney, going to school there, and each and every one of my classmates. Continued best of luck to all of you.

07/18/11 06:29 PM #13    


Dick Wilson

i have attended every reunion and would vote for a 45th. vicki thank you. i would volunteer to help on the next one. dick wilson

07/24/12 04:22 PM #14    

Kirsten Anderson (Carlson)

Lynette, I remember the first Earth Day if for no other reason than we got out of classes!!  I remember planting a tree south of the KHS sign.  Looking at Google Satellite it appears that some of those trees are from the planting on that day.  If I recall correctly, there was a copse of trees in a low lying area.  To the east of the area on the hill, there were no trees.  Any of those trees were either planted on the first Earth Day or later.  Kirsten Anderson Carlson


07/26/12 07:05 PM #15    


Tobie Speak (Johnson)

The person that went on to college during our senior year was Lisa Cafferty!

07/26/12 08:01 PM #16    


Tobie Speak (Johnson)

I think the name of the band at the jr prom was "Hypocriff" !  Is that correct?

02/08/13 10:15 PM #17    


Deb Anders-Carson (Thacker)

The Pastry Cook and the Pirate! Yes, I remember it well. The girls in the chorus had to make lookalike dresses. Patty Brand and I made ours the same color - yellow.

I still remember at least part of the words from A Pirate Bold. I catch myself singing it sometimes still. Funny how little things stick with you.laugh

07/18/15 08:37 PM #18    


Tobie Speak (Johnson)

This picture was taken back in 1961 ( I believe) at 2nd grade at Northeast Elementary School, please take a look and let us know if you recognize any of the classmates. 

07/19/15 04:05 PM #19    

Pat Brand (Hillyer)

Second row, far right, that's me (Pat Brand)!  That was my first year in Kearney.

09/27/21 05:00 AM #20    


Anthony Mulford

We (my wife, Karen - Class of Hastings '71) came not knowing what to expect. I hadn't been to Kearney in 30 years. Both my parents have passed and my siblings and their families have moved out/on. It was interesting to see and interact with people who'd so profoundly affected my life. I wish to extend a special thanks to Freddy V. and Patty (formerly Mintling) for making my short return a positive experience. It was good to see you who came and I wish God's grace upon you all. Shalom!!!

Tony Mulford- Class of '71

08/29/22 09:24 PM #21    


Lisa Cafferty (Harrison)

What a whirlwind the past 8 months have been! I have finished the last of my house remodel. I finally cleared out my double car garage of the woodworking tools and some wood that inhabited the entire garage!!!  Now planning on selling my home to move to San Antonio, TX an will be getting married.

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