Clifford Kent Bragg, 62, passed away Monday, Feb. 1, 2016, in Springtown. Funeral Service: 10 a.m. Saturday at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Azle. Visitation: 5 -7p.m. Friday at White’s Funeral Home, Springtown. Interment at Goshen Cemetery following the service. Memorials: In lieu of flowers the family is establishing a Cliff Bragg Leadership Scholars Memorial Fund. Cliff was born March 29, 1953, in Kearney, Nebraska, to the late Leroy and Rose Bragg. In 1969 he and his high school sweetheart, Vicki, fell in love, married and spent their lives treasuring each other. Cliff was a devoted grandfather, enjoying and supporting all the grandchildren’s activities. He was truly a proud Papa! He enjoyed being outdoors with his family fishing, hunting, gardening, playing with the dogs and just hanging out. Cliff was a loyal member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Cliff worked for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. for 21 years before purchasing his own Goodyear Store (Cliff’s Auto Service) in Weatherford in September 1995. In September 1998 he built and opened Cliff’s Auto Service in Springtown. Cliff was an active community leader in Springtown spending numerous volunteer hours with the Chamber of Commerce, Cares & Shares, Optimist Club, and the Park Board to name a few. He served as chamber board of directors, 1999-2005, named Chamber Man of the Year and Member of the Year in 2004. He was chairman of the Park Board 2002-2005. He served on many committees but was most involved with the Wild West Festival and concessions. Through Economic Development he was instrumental in the development of Pojo Drive and the loop project. Cliff was preceded in death by his parents; and brother, Tim Bragg. Survivors include wife of 44 years and best friend, Vicki; sons, Chris Bragg and wife, Erica, of Springtown, and Chadd Bragg and wife, Jenny, of Sidney, Nebraska; grandchildren, Eric, Tyler, Grayson, Brixton and Everleigh; sister, Frosty Ryan of Lake Forest, California; nieces, Kenley Rose and Hailey Jolene; and numerous other nieces, nephews and lifelong friends.
Andy Snodgrass
Cliff and I we had a lot i common, we both went to trouble shooting car in hasting tech, we still were working with car, he did know his car, I'll miss him alot.
for ever friend
Lisa Cafferty (Harrison)
Cliff only lived a couple blocks away and we attended grade school together. Some how those elementary school memories seem t really stick with you. I really sadden to hear of his passing. Vicki thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.